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Book Dolcetto (Demo)


Changes in prices indicated below depend on the different features of our accommodations and additional comforts.
To choose the solution most suitable for you, please read the detailed description of the different accommodations.

Prices are per accommodation per night. 
Pets are welcome prior acceptance at the time of reservation.



We accept reservations via e-mail and SMS.
We will do our best to answer within 24 hours from request.


We accept payments with bancomat and credit card.


From 4.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.

We kindly ask our guests to agree the time of check in.
In case of delay on arrival time, please warn us by phone.
A valid ID will be requested at check in.


10.30 a.m.
If you need to stay longer, upon availability guests and staff may agree different conditions suited to everybody’s needs.


We inform you that Leg. Decree 196/2003 protects people and other subjects for the treatment of their personal data treatment. According to the above mentioned law, data will be treated according to the principles of accuracy, lawfulness and transparency, protecting your privacy and rights. We inform our Clients that your personal data will be treated only for the aims of the contractual relationship (accounting and administrative purposes included). Data collected by us will not be communicated to third parties. According to Art. 13 of Leg. Decree 196/2003 you may consult, modify or delete your data at any time and free of charge by writing at

Availability request

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    Dolcetto Double Room

    Fields marked with asterisk are compulsory.

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